Cuffie per call center

Cuffie per comunicazione Mairdi, le migliori cuffie con cancellazione del rumore per call center, cuffie da ufficio con microfono, goditi un'eccellente qualità del suono, chiamate aziendali impeccabili.
wireless communication headphones wireless communication headset
Ordina per:
bone conduction headphone M200

Cuffie sportive a conduzione ossea MAIRDI® M200

$89.99 USD $71.99 USD
Rivoluzionando le soluzioni di qualità del suono, le nostre cuffie sportive premium incorporano una tecnologia di conduzione ossea all'avanguardia. Con due amplificatori dei bassi aggiuntivi e la nostra rinomata consapevolezza...

Cuffie per call center con microfono

Le migliori cuffie per call center con microfono a cancellazione di rumore.
Vale la pena considerare MAIRDI quando si sceglie un auricolare per telefono wireless per la sua eccellente qualità del suono, il design confortevole e le prestazioni affidabili.

  • Design confortevole per tutto il giorno
  • Qualità del suono audio a banda larga
  • Connessione Bluetooth stabile
  • Adattatore chiavetta USB
  • Accoppiamento multipunto
  • Microfono con cancellazione del rumore
  • Funzione di disattivazione del microfono
  • Batteria a lunga durata
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Cuffie wireless professionali

Cuffie wireless per lavoro, ufficio, call center, telefono, Microsoft Reams, conferenza Skype, con microfono unidirezionale, bloccano i rumori di sottofondo indesiderati per una chat cristallina.

  • Leggero e confortevole
  • Facile controllo audio online
  • Microfono con cancellazione del rumore
  • Eccellente qualità audio
  • Design super resistente
  • Suoneria esterna unica
  • Accoppiamento multipunto
  • Portata di connessione Fino a 100 piedi/30 m
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Chiamate chiare e comfort eccezionale

Cuffie per call center con cancellazione del rumore del microfono. All'altoparlante delle cuffie del computer è collegato un circuito PCB.
Quando appare un suono improvviso e forte superiore a 118 decibel, verrà bloccato per proteggere la salute dell'udito.

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Le migliori cuffie per lavorare da casa

Cuffie professionali con cancellazione del rumore per comunicazioni unificate. Soluzione audio a banda larga per ufficio aziendale dal design elegante, dotata di chip di protezione dell'udito standard con certificazione CE, per proteggere la salute dell'udito in ogni momento.

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call center headsets with microphone noise cancelling call center headset with mic noise cancelling

Quale cuffia Mairdi è adatta a te?

Mairdi M890BT Wireless Headphones with mic


Chiamate di livello successivo

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Mairdi M890DBT Noise Cancelling Headphones


Cuffie con cancellazione del rumore

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Comoda cuffia telefonica

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Pickup vocale forte e chiaro

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Design ergonomico

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M810SUC headset


Collega e usa

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telephone headset with 2.5mm port


Per telefoni IP e da ufficio

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Wired vs. Wireless Call Center Headset: Which Is Best for You?

Selecting the ideal contact center headset hinges on the pivotal decision between wired and wireless options. Considering the cost factor, wired call center phone headsets typically range from $75-150, while their wireless counterparts come at a higher price point, averaging around $350, inclusive of the base and electronic hook switch (EHS) or lifter. Your budget serves as the compass in this initial decision-making process.

Advancements in wireless technology have reached a stage where call-dropping is nearly non-existent, rivaling the reliability of wired models. However, the question arises: does the doubled cost of wireless call center headsets equate to twice the value?

In scenarios demanding flexibility, the invaluable nature of wearing a wireless call center headset shines through. Liberated from wire constraints, users can seamlessly move around the office, enhancing overall productivity. Yet, if wireless functionality isn't a business necessity or falls outside budget constraints, a high-quality wired call center headset remains a viable option. With wired counterparts, the luxury of typing hands-free persists, a feature absent in traditional landline phones.

In your quest for call center headsets, trust that Mairdi Headset delivers the quality and value you seek. Our offerings encompass the best in both wired and wireless headsets for office phones.

FAQs About Call Center Headsets

Delving into FAQs and In-Depth Insights on Call Center Headsets: Your Prime Source of Knowledge from the Leading Supplier. Connect with us for more details.
What Is the Best Headset for a Call Center?

The best headsets for a call center deliver what you need the most in terms of price, sound quality, and functionality to Meet Your Diverse Needs in Our Extensive Inventory.

Where to Buy Call Center Headsets?

Mairdi online store is the best place to buy call center headsets. Our commitment to the best quality, value, and pricing combines with our vast selection to make our website a one-stop shop for contact center headsets.

How Much Are Call Center Headsets?

Wired call center headsets range from under $35 to about $45. A wireless call center headset costs around $55.

What to expect from Mairdi Headsets?

1. Diverse Headset Selection: Explore our extensive range of call center headsets tailored to diverse needs and preferences.
2. Expert Guidance: Benefit from personalized recommendations by our seasoned headset specialists, ensuring optimal selection for your requirements.
3. Dedicated Customer Support: Access our dedicated team for product assistance, warranty inquiries, and general queries.
4. Extended Warranty Coverage: Enjoy a minimum 2-year warranty on all headsets, reflecting our commitment to quality and durability.
5. Hassle-Free Replacements: Experience seamless warranty replacements with expedited same-day service and covered return shipping.